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Return & Refund

Can I exchange an item?

  • Unfortunately we do not offer direct exchanges.
  • If you need your ordered product in a different size, you would have to reorder it in a new order.
  • If the item in the other size has become more expensive in the meantime, you can simply leave us a comment when ordering with a reference to your original order. We will then adjust the price retroactively.
  • You are welcome to return your first order to us. We will automatically refund the purchase price after receiving the return.

How long can I return my item?

  • At you have a one-month right of return.
  • This means that you can return unused, non-personalized products to us within one month of receiving the order. You will then receive your money back. It is important that these products still have all labels and are unworn. Please note that we cannot accept returns of products that have been personalized, i.e. printed or embroidered in any way.
  • The right of return only applies if the goods have only been tried out, as in a store, and the goods have been returned complete, in their original condition, undamaged and without damage in the original sales packaging.
  • Items that are dirty or have already been worn will not be accepted for return.


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Payment & Vouchers

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Products & Inventory

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Can't find what you're looking for?

Send us an email to let us know what's going on and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Please be sure to include your order number (if you have one).

Please send the email to:

Any other questions? Let's chat.

Write us via WhatsApp: +4915164150234